Ad Maya

Friday 27 January 2012

मृत साधु ‘मदद’ ने पहुंचाया सामान्य अस्पताल

हिसार,  कुलबीर कलसी : 
संजीव भोजराज ठंड से मृत हुए साधु ·ो सामान्य अस्पताल ले जाते हुए
सामाजि· संस्था ‘मदद’ ने अपना सामाजि· सरो·ार निभाते हुए ठंड व भूख से मौत हुए ए· साधु ·ो स्थानीय सामान्य अस्पताल भिजवाया। मदद ·े अध्यक्ष संजीव भोजराज ·ो ·िसी ने फोन पर सूचना दी ·ि ए· साधु मृत अवस्था में सब्जी मण्डी पुल ·े नीचे पड़ा हुआ है। संजीव भोजराज जब अपने साथी पं·जी मुवाल, प्रदीप मुंडाई, गौरव दत्त, राजू सहित मौ·े पर पहुंचे तो देखा ·ि संभवत: साधु ·ी मौत ठंड व भूख ·े ·ारण हुई थी। साधु शरीरि· रूप से ·ाफी ·मजोर था तथा उस·े पास सर्दी बचने ·े लिए ·ेवल ए· पतली शॉल थी जिस·े चलते शायद उस·ी मृत्यु हो गई थी। संजीव भोजराज ने प्रशासन से मांग ·ी है ·ि शहर में ऐसे बेसहारा लोगों ·ी मदद ·े लिए ·ोई व्यवस्था ·ी जानी चाहिए ता·ि ·ोई व्यक्ति बेहसहारा ·ी भूख से मौत ना हो।

धूमधाम से मनाया गणतंत्र दिवस

नई दिल्ली। 
श्रीराम फिजिकल वेलफयर एसोसियसन द्वारा संचालित एस.आर.पब्लिक स्कूल रिसाल गार्डन नागलोई  के प्रांगण में 63वां गणतंत्र दिवस प्रिसीपल रश्मि शर्मा की अध्यक्षता में  धूमधाम पूर्वक मनाया गया। विधायक मनोज शौकीन ने ध्वजारोहण किया। समारोह में छात्र-छात्राओं ने मनोहारी सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम  प्रस्तुत किए। इस अवसर पर छात्र-छात्राओं व शिक्षकों ने राष्ट्रीय एकता और अखंडता की रक्षा की शपथ ली।
इस मौके पर पार्षद पंकज कुमार सिंह,भगतराम शेरावत,राजेश खन्ना,शमशेर वर्मा,अजय गलिया,राकेश देशवाल,हितेन्द्र वशिष्ठ,ईश्वरिया  प्रसाद,राधेश्याम राजपूत,सन्नी, हरी मोहन अनेक गणमान्य लोग मौजूद थे।.  विधायक मनोज शौकीन ने अपने संबोधन भाषाण में कहा कि बच्चे भारत गणतंत्र की नींव है। हमें शिक्षा के माध्यम से भारत का नवनिर्माण करना है।’ 
विद्यालय की प्राचार्य रश्मि शर्मा ने स्कूल की उपलब्धियों के बारे में जानकारी देते हुए शिक्षा व खेलों में बेहतर प्रदर्शन करने वाले बच्चों की घोषणा कर उनको पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया।

Win a Date with Poonam Pandey

Mumbai, Kulbir Kalsi:-
Poonam will treat her 100,000th follower on Twitter with a Dinner Date. 
It’s been a wonderful journey on Twitter for Poonam Pandey, and in such a short span, the leggy lass has managed to hit the 100,000 followers mark. Poonam loves interacting with her fans and on Twitter her fans lap up every tweet that she posts. Poonam is overwhelmed with the love showered on her by the tweeples, and to give back some of that love, Poonam has decided to offer a Dinner Date to her 100,000th follower on Twitter.
Poonam Pandey
Now, isn’t that the date of the millennium – an exclusive meal with the hottest celebrity on the Internet. That’s a story that you will grow up to tell your grandchildren. Watch this space for the name of the lucky winner

Thursday 26 January 2012

15th book " How to unlock everything on Internet"

In the age of Cyber censorship, “How to unblock everything on the internet”, a new path-breaking book authored by Ankit Fadia, the world renowned Ethical Hacker & Computer Security expert
Chandigarh,Kulbir Kalsi : 
Ankit Fadia,the renowned Ethical Hacker and Computer Security expert today launched his one of the  most awaited , books in the tech world    “ How to unblock everything on the internet” by Vikas Publishing House  here in Chandigarh   The world renowned ethical hacker Ankit Fadia also gave  live demonstration on how to unblock websites, blogs, applications and content on the Internet .  The stylishly packaged book shows people how to unblock everything on the Internet. It is priced at INR 150/- is now available at all bookstores across India and even before its official release has already sold more than 2000 copies online!
Freedom of speech and expression is the mortar that cements the bricks of democracy. Completely blocking websites on the Internet by the government is a step away from democracy. However, freedom of speech does not extend to the extreme scenario where it is okay for a miscreant to go into a crowded theater and shout ‘FIRE’! Such an act can harm or hurt the peace and wellbeing of others in the society. Hence it is important for the government and online platforms to join hands to efficiently work together to block the publishing of inflammatory content on the Internet. However, prescreening of Internet content or putting the complete liability, responsibility and blame on platforms is not very reasonable. After all, could you sue a mobile phone operator or the neighborhood post office if somebody were to send an obscene or offensive message using their communication medium? You can prosecute the individual who sent the message and not the communication medium that was used. 
Speaking on the launch of his new book Ankit Fadia said “Banning or blocking websites on the Internet completely is not the answer and is a step away from democracy and could silence free speech all together. We need to find a middle ground which allows a more efficient mechanism to remove offensive content from the Internet without blocking access to websites completely. China currently employs 40,000+ people to block content on the Internet. Hope India is not going to go the China way”.
Written in an easy-to-understand do-it-yourself manner that just about everybody (both non-technical people and technical people) can understand, this book will teach you simple things you can do to unblock access to blocked stuff on the Internet including social networks (Facebook, Twitter), video streaming websites (YouTube, MetaCafe), Sports/Cricket websites, chat, career sites and just about everything else. If you are studying in a college, working for a company or travelling to a country that has blocked access to everything cool & fun on the Internet (like Facebook, YouTube, Chat and others), making your life miserably boring, this book is sure to come to your rescue. It contains over 50 different chapters and provides step by step processes that absolutely anybody can follow and is ably supported by screenshots as well.  
Ankit Fadia  launching his 15th book  " How to unlock everything on internet" in Chandigarh, 
The book “How to unblock everything on the net” will find a widespread audience not only in India but also amongst residents and visitors to countries like China and the Middle East (Iran, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya and others) where censorship is rampant and repressive. 
Recipient of the prestigious National Telecom Awards 2011, for "Global Ambassador for Cyber Security" from Sachin Pilot (Minister of State in the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology) , Ankit Fadia is a globally respected voice on cyber terrorism. Ankit Fadia was also recently selected by the World Economic Forum as a Global Shaper for his achievements at such a young age.
He further added “It is about time that governments start looking at platforms like social media and search as assets and not as enemies. After the Devastating Earthquake in Japan in 2011, Google immediately launched a People Finder website which allowed people to upload pictures & post information about missing people & share it with others and actually managed to help people locate their missing loved ones. The Haiti Earthquake generated more than 17 million tweets alone creating much needed global awareness, aid and help from all corners of the globe in a matter of a few hours. Would you really want to block such lifesaving mediums?”.
Commenting on the launch of the book, Mr. Piyush Chawla, Director, Vikas Publishing Pvt. Ltd. The publisher of the book said “Kudos to Ankit for showing the way to having unrestricted access to legal content on the Internet. A TRUE-VALUE book!”
Commenting on the launch of the book, Mr. Alok Dubey, COO Sportswear & Denim, Youth Wear Division, Arvind Lifestyle Brands Ltd, India’s leading lifestyle apparel brand endorsed by Ankit Fadia, said “This book is a bold expression of freedom that the youth seeks in the digital world, they don’t like to be blocked or restricted and it is so apt that Ankit gives them the tool to break through restrictions that they keep facing. The youngsters have been exploring the web and have over a period of time have become more responsible in their usage of digital spaces”. He added, “Ankit embodies the true spirit of Flying Machine and it has been a perfect match because both Ankit as well as the Brand have always been daring, outgoing, self-ruled youngster who have gone along their belief and found their own niche that has been a trend starter for Indian youth. We have a longstanding relationship that has worked beautifully for both of us and Ankit as constantly added an edge to the brand that is very unique”.
About Ankit Fadia: At 26 years of age, Ankit Fadia is widely recognized as a Computer Security Expert and Cyber Terrorism guru. He has written 14 bestselling books, delivered more than 1000 talks in 25 countries, received 45 awards, has trained more than 20,000 people in India & China, offers certification courses on Ethical Hacking, hosts his own MTV show called What the Hack!, runs his own consulting company and also went to Stanford University. His work has touched & influenced the cyber lives of millions of individuals and organizations worldwide. He was recently chosen as a Global Shaper by the World Economic Forum.
Vikas Publishing House, founded in 1969, is a pioneer and leading publisher of India. With its Head Office in Delhi and branches in Mumbai. Bangalore, Chennai and Kolkata, Vikas publishes books on Higher Education, School textbooks (Madhubun) and general books. It also specializes in customized courseware. Along with its sister concern, UBS Publishers’ Distributors Ltd., the group is one of the largest and well-respected entities in the Indian book trade.
Vikas Publishing House is proud to have been associated with Ankit Fadia for the past decade and published a dozen books for him, including the best-selling Email Hacking, Windows Hacking and Software Hacking.
How to Unblock Everything on the Internet is the latest offering, and has the added benefit of being published simultaneously in English and in Hindi.  
About Flying Machine
Flying Machine, an iconic denim brand from Arvind Lifestyle Brands has heritage of over 30 years. One of India’s first home grown denim brands today reflects the future of Indian youth fashion that believes in bringing in real time international fashion to Indian audience. The brand with its contemporary styling focuses on trends and facts of season. These styles are created for the Indian youth who is not only well-informed, but also well-traveled.
The Flying Machine design range from an eclectic fusion of hot styles put together by inspirations from European cities, beaches and hotspots of party and adventure sports. Arvind Lifestyle Brands is an apparel conglomerate head quartered in Bangalore manages a portfolio of well known brands such as Flying Machine, US Polo Assn. Arrow, Gant and Mega Mart.

स्वामी विवेकानंद संस्कार केंद्र का १० वां स्थापना दिवस संपन्न

चंडीगढ़  : 
श्री राम धर्मार्थ ट्रस्ट (पंजी) द्वारा संचालित स्वामी विवेकानंद संस्कार केंद्र  का १० वां स्थापना दिवस आज  सेक्टर ३० के अगरसेन भवन में बड़े ही धूम धाम से मनाया गया !  
ट्रस्ट के पदाधिकारी श्री मुकेश मित्तल ने जानकारी देते हुए बताया की इस केंद्र में कुल ३८ बच्चे और ७० गायेओं की जिम्मेबारी बखूबी निभाई जा  रही है ! उन्होंने यह भी बताया की ये सारे बच्चे त्रिपुरा राज्य के है और इनमे से एक कानून की शिक्षा हासिल कर रहा है और एक बी कम फ़ाइनल में है ! इन सबों का पालन पोषण , रहन सहन , शिक्षा दीक्षा , का प्रबंध भारतीय संस्कृति के मुताबिक किया जा रहा है ! इस अवसर पर डी ए वि कालेज सेक्टर १० के पूर्व प्रिंसिपल  डॉक्टर श्री के एस आर्या , दैनिक ट्रिबुन के पूर्व प्रधान संपादक  श्री राधे श्याम शर्मा , एबम बिभिन्न आर्य समाजों के पदाधिकारी जिसमें श्री आर के मित्तल , मामराज मित्तल , राममूर्ति अग्रवाल , ज्ञानचंद अग्रवाल, चेतन मित्तल , पंकज मित्तल , पुनीत मित्तल , आर के जैन , अजय कुमार जैन , प्रबीन गुप्ता  एबम धीरेन्द्र गुप्ता भी उपास्थित थे  ! 

अनिल शर्मा की वापिसी ‘सिंह साहब द ग्रेट

नई दिल्ली,(प्रेमबाबू शर्मा )
सनी और अनिल शर्मा की जुगलबंदी ने  ‘गदर-एक प्रेम कथा’ द हीरो और ‘अपने जैसी हिट फिल्में दी है । अब चर्चा है कि एक बार फिर से अनिल शर्मा सन्नी देओल को लेकर एक फिल्म सिंह साहब द ग्रेट का निर्माण की योजना बना रहे है।
चूँकि अनिल शर्मा भव्य कैनवास पर बनी फिल्मों के निर्देशक  के तौर पर जाने जाते हैं ,इसलिए उनके अहम प्रोजेक्ट को सफलता पूर्वक निभा ले जाना आसान नहीं है ,कलाकारों की डेट्स ,पेमेंट और लोकेशन सही समय पर शूटिंग  का कम्प्लीट होना ,और मार्केटिंग और प्रोमोशन आदि जिम्मेदारियों को सही अंजाम देने के लिए अनुभवी और जांबाज निर्माता का होना बहुत अहम सवाल उठा .इस बजे प्रोजेक्ट के लिए उस निर्माता की तलाश शुरू हो गई जिसका अनिल शर्मा से अच्छा तालमेल हो.यह बीडा उठाया उनके ही छोटे भाई अनुज शर्मा ने ....!अनुज शर्मा बतौर निर्देशक अनिल शर्मा के साथ ‘हुकूमत .ऐलाने जंग कर चुके हैं और उनके खाते में मा,ँजवाब,और नौटी एट -40’जैसी फिल्में जुड चुकी है।
गौरतलब है कि आज सनी और अनिल शर्मा को जरूरत है एक ऐसी सटीक और सफल फिल्म की जो ‘गदर ‘जैसा इतिहास दोहरा सके ,शायद यही वजह है कि सनी और अनिल शर्मा ने एक बार फिर हाथ मिला लिए हैं । फिल्म सत्तर व अस्सी के दशक के गोल्डन इरा की फिल्मों पर आधारित होगी, और फिल्म का ना ‘सिंह साहब द ग्रेट ‘।

Chandigarh Traffic Police observed the 23rd Road Safety Week 2012

Chandigarh, Sanjay Pahwa: 
The 23rd Road Safety Week is observed in the month of January every year all over the country to inculcate the culture of road safety amongst the citizens.
                Chandigarh Traffic Police observed the 23rdRoad Safety Week 2012 in UT, Chandigarh from 17th to 23rd February, 2012 under the theme of “Accidents bring tears Safety bring cheer ". The 23rd Road Safety Week was inaugurated by Sh. K.K. Sharma, IAS, Advisor to the Administrator, UT, Chandigarh on 17th January, 2012 at Chandigarh Traffic Park, Sector 23, Chandigarh, during the inauguration function, a blood donation camp and painting competitions by School Children were organized. 
          During this Road Safety Week different cultural and other activities were organized by the educational institutions, social organizations, corporate organization, Transport Department, Traffic Police and other socially conscious citizens in order to raise the level of the awareness on road safety which includes, 7 days Road Safety Exhibition at Plaza, Sector 17, scooter rally by girl students to promote wearing of safety helmet, Road Safety workshops for Auto Drivers/Rickshaw Pullers/School Bus Drivers/Bus & Truck Drivers, Trauma Response Workshop for P.C.R. and Traffic Police Personnelconference on Road Safety and Traffic Managementregular public announcement on road safety on major light points/intersections, penal discussion on road safety at All India Radio/ BIG FM etc. etc. to raise the level of the awareness on road safety.
                 Chandigarh Traffic Police today concluded the 23rd Road Safety Week by holding a programme at Tagore Theatre, Sector 18, Chandigarh.  Sh. P.K. Srivastava, IPS, Inspector General of Police, UT Chandigarh was the chief guest of this function.  Cultural programme by students of DAV School Sector 15 was also performed.  A street play was also performed by a NGO AAVAHAN on road safety. Sh. Alok Kumar, IPS, DIG/Chandigarh apprised about various road safety week organized during this week and assured that these road safety activities will continue through out the year.  Sh. P.K. Srivastava, IPS, IGP/UT also delivered a speech apprising the management of traffic in the city and various measures being taken by the Chandigarh Police for better traffic management and also appeals to the citizens to follow traffic rules.       
                Awards/Prizes were also given to the winners of various activities including painting competition, blood donation camp, training workshops for TSR drivers, heavy and light drivers, and rickshaw pullers.  During this occasion Sh. R.S. Ghumman, IPS, SP/Operations, Dr. Raj Bahadur, Director & Principal, GMCH Sector 32, Mrs. Meera Sharma, Associate Professor of SD College, Sh. Vijay Kumar, DSP/Traffic, all DSPs, all SHOs, Traffic Marshals and other dignities were present. 

बडबोले अमर सिंह

मुजफ्फरनगर के खतौली विधान सभा में आयोजित राष्ट्रीय लोक मंच की रैली में अमर सिंह ने अपने बडबोलेपन का जमकर प्रदर्शन किया। अमर सिंह ने इस दौरान कभी मायावती पर निशाना साधा तो कभी मुलायम सिंह पर। रैली में अमर सिंह ने किसानों को बिजली और पानी फ्री देने जैसी तमाम तरह की घोषणाएं कर डाली।
अमर सिंह ने कहा कि कभी सपा की साइकिल गिरती है तो कभी मायावती का पागल का हाथी, कभी महाराजा मुलायम बनते है तो भी महारानी माया। बीस साल की राजनीति मंे मैने सडक पर कदम नहीं रखा। इस लिए जमींदारों में आपका गुनाहगार है। हवा से उतरा से उतरे और हवा में उड गया, कभी पता ही नहीं चला यहां की सडके कैसी है। सडक में गडढे नहीं, बल्कि गडढो में सडक तलाशनी
अमरसिंह ने बोला कि एक अजीम गुुनाह किया मैने कि 14 साल तक मै एक पार्टी में रहा, जिसका नाम है समाजवादी पार्टी, नेता का नाम मुलायम!!

रैली में अमर सिंह के गुंडे

मुज़फ्फरनगर की खतोली विधान सभा सीट पर राष्ट्रीय लोकमंच के प्रतासी  के लिए रेली में भाग लेने पहुचे अमर सिंह की रेली में उस समय घमासान खड़ा हो गया जब टिकट कटने के कारण मुज़फ्फरनगर शहरी  सीट से पूर्व प्रत्यासी  महराज जहा अपना विरोध दर्ज  करने रेली में पहुची तो राष्ट्रीय लोकमंच के कर्येकर्ताओ  ने महिला और उसके समर्थको को बड़ी बेरहमी  से दोड़ा दोड़ा कर पिटा जिस समय महिला की पिटाई हो रही थी उस समय अमर सिंह मंच से अपना भाषण दे रहे थे हद तो तब हो गई जब रेली स्थल पर बड़ी तादाद में पुलिस मूक दर्शक बनकर सभा स्थल पर गहरी नींद सो रही थी |
मुज़फ्फरनगर की खतोली विधानसभा में राष्टीय लोकमंच पार्टी के प्रत्यासी प्रमोद कुमार अन्ना की एक रैली थी जिसमे राष्टीय अध्यक्ष ठाकुर अमर सिंह लाव लस्कर के साथ रैली में पहुंचे और सभा को संबोधित करने लगे तभी राइ स्थल पर कुछ महिलाये अमर सिंह से मिलने पहुंची महिलाओ का कहना था की मुज़फ्फरनगर की सदर सिट से राष्टीय लोकमंच पार्टी ने उन्हें प्रत्यासी घोषित किया था मगर बिना किसी कारन मेहराज जंहा का टिकट काट कर किसी और को प्रत्यासी बना दिया गया  मेहराज जंहा मंच के करीब पहुंची ही थी की राष्टीय लोकमंच पार्टी के समर्थको ने उन्हें मारना पीटना सुरु कर दिया इस बिच ठाकुर अमर सिंह मंच पर खड़े होकर सभा को संबोधित करते रहे और इन महिलाओ की तरफ देखा तक नहीं ठाकुर अमर सिंह के समर्थको ने महिलाओ को दोडा दोडा कर पिटते रहे यंहा तक की महिलाओ के साथ अशलील हरकते भी करते रहे महिलाओ को बचाने के लिए ना तो पुलिस आई और ना ही कोई नेता | फ़िलहाल पीड़ित महिला मेहराज जंहा ने पुलिस में  राष्टीय लोकमंच पार्टी के कार्यकर्ताओ के खिलाफ रिपोर्ट दर्ज करा दिया है अब देखना यह होगा की पुलिस और चुनाव आयोग के साथ साथ महिला आयोग इन नेताओ के खिलाफ क्या कार्यवाही करती है | इन सब के बिच जब नेता जी से महिलाओ की पिटाई पर सवाल किया गया तो नेता जी ने कहा की मुझे कोई जानकारी नहीं है 
महराज जंहा : मेरे संगठन के लोगो को इन्होने दोडा दोडा कर पिता और मारा मेरे साथ आये लोग बुरी तरह से जख्मी है उनसे उठा भी नहीं जा रहा है उनकी पश्लिया टूट गयी है मेरी एक महिला अभी तक गायब है ए सब साजिस के तहत हुआ है ऐसा अत्याचार महिलाओ के साथ किया गया है राष्टीय लोकमंच के जिला अध्यक्ष और मंडल प्रभारी मुझ से पहले से ही खिलाफ था उसने ही मुझे पिटवाया है  अब में खतोली प्रत्यासी प्रमोद अन्ना और जिला अध्यक्ष के खिलाफ कानूनी कार्यवाही करुँगी 

Sunday 22 January 2012

फंस गए नेता जी

मुज़फ्फरनगर में आज शराब पर चुनाव का का मामला देखने को मिला जब चर्चित नेता और कांग्रेस पार्टी के पूर्व प्रदेश महा सचिव राजबीर उर्फ़ टीटू को पुलिस ने उस समय गिरफ्तार कर लिया जब चर्चित नेता अपनी पत्नी के चुनाव प्रचार में निकले थे और चुनाव प्रचार के दोरान नेता जी वोटरों को लुभाने के लिए नोट और शराब के साथ कम्बल बाँट रहे थे | पुलिस ने नेता जी की गाड़ी से चार पेटी अंग्रेजी शराब और गाड़ी सहित नेता जी पर आचार संहिता का मुकदमा दर्ज कर चार लोगो को हिरासत में ले लिया है |
मुज़फ्फरनगर की खतोली विधानसभा पर आज चुनाव में नोट कम्बल और शराब बाँटने का मामला देखने को मिला दरअसल कांग्रेस पार्टी के पूर्व प्रदेश महा सचिव और C.B.S.C बोर्ड के चेयरमेन विनीत जोसी के करीबी चर्चित नेता राजबीर सिंह वर्मा उर्फ़ टीटू को किन्ही कारणों से खतोली विधानसभा से टिकट नहीं मिला नेता जी ने अपनी पत्नी चन्द्र लेखा को निर्दलय सिट से मैदान में उतार दिया है और आज चर्चित नेता राजबीर अपनी पत्नी के चुनाव प्रचार में निकले थे जब नेता जी अपनी कार क्वालिस से खतोली के खोक्नी

गाँव में वोटरों को नोट कम्बल और शराब बाँट रहे थे तो तभी पुलिस ने नेता जी को धर दबोचा अपने आप को पुलिस से घिरता देख नेता जी ने पुलिस पार्टी पर ही हमला कर दिया और सब इंस्पेक्टर को काट खाया | पुलिस ने नेता जी को आचार संहिता के उलघन करने और पुलिस पर हमला करने का मुकदमा दर्ज कर नेता और उनके तीन साथियों को हवालात में ड़ाल दिया है | गोर से देखिये हवालात में बंद इस नेता को जो अपने आप को निर्दोस बता रहा है ए वो ही नेता है जिस पर हरिद्वार के कलियर सरीफ में हेलिकोप्टर को बिना अनुमति के उतारने और पुलिस से अभद्रता करने के मामले में जेल की हवा खानी पड़ी थी इन पर पुलिस ने गैगस्टर भी लगायी हुयी है | पुलिस ने आरोपी नेता जी की गाड़ी से हरियाणा से तस्करी कर लायी गयी चार पेटी अंग्रेजी और नोट बरामद किये है |
चर्चित नेता जी इस से पहले भी कई बार जय की हवा खा चुके है और अपने बडबोले ब्यान से विवादों में घिरे रहे है नेता जी खतोली में एक लाल दयाल पब्लिक स्कूल के मलिक है और गैंगस्टर के चलते इनके आवास को पुलिस ने सिल किया हुआ है |
हवालात में बंद नेता जी अपने आप को को बेक़सूर बताते हुए बसपा की तानाशाही बता रहे जबकि पुलिस ने इनकी गाड़ी से अवेध शराब की चार पेटियों सहित गिरफ्तार किया है अब जरा नेता जी की इन दलीलों को भी सुनिए जिस में नेता
जी अपने आप को शराब का विरोधी बता रहे है और दूसरी पार्टी पर आरोप लगाते
हुए कह रहे है की अपने आप तो ब्लू लेबल की शराब पीते है और वोटर के पास
ठर्रा भेजते है इनकी माने तो शराब शबाब और मुर्गे पर चुनाव नहीं होगा
चुनाव होगा तो विकाश पर शराब पर नहीं ....तो  सुना आपने बडबोले नेता जी
का ब्यान | ये वो नेता है जिनका कोंग्रेस नेता रीता बहुगुणा से बहुत
करीबी रिश्ता रहा है इनके पब्लिक स्कूल के एक कार्यक्रम में खुद कोंग्रेस
लीडर रीता बहुगुणा जोसी ने सिरकत की थी | बहराल पुलिस ने शराब पर चुनाव
तैय करने वाले बडबोले नेता को सलाखों के पीछे पहुंचा दिया है |
राजबीर टीटू (पूर्व प्रदेश महा सचिव कोंग्रेस) ( में अपने छेत्र में
अपनी पत्नी के लिए वोट मांग रहा था पुलिस ने जबरदस्ती मुझे फंसा कर शराब
में बंद किया है मेरी गाड़ी में कोई शराब नहीं थी शराब कंहा से आई मुझे
जानकारी नहीं है इस से पहले भी मुझ पर मायावती सरकार में जुल्म हुआ है )
राजबीर टीटू (पूर्व प्रदेश महा सचिव कोंग्रेस) (अब जरा नेता जी
की इन दलीलों को भी सुनिए जिस में नेता जी अपने आप को शराब का विरोधी बता
रहे है और दूसरी पार्टी पर आरोप लगाते हुए कह रहे है की अपने आप तो ब्लू
लेबल की शराब पीते है और वोटर के पास ठर्रा भेजते है इनकी माने तो शराब
शबाब और मुर्गे पर चुनाव नहीं होगा चुनाव होगा तो विकाश पर शराब पर नहीं
....तो  सुना आपने बडबोले नेता जी का ब्यान )
राकेश कुमार (C.O-खतोली ) (तीन चार दिन पहले ट्रक में शराब और कम्बल
लाये गए है आज पुलिस ने खोक्नी गाँव से प्रत्यासी राजबीर टीटू की गाड़ी से
चार पेटी Byशराब मिली है इस बिच इन्होने पुलिस के साथ हाता पायी भी की है
जिसमे कई पुलिसकर्मी घायल हो गए है इनके साथ और चार लोगो को गिरफ्तार कर
कई धाराओ में मुकदमा दर्ज किया है राजबीर के खिलाप पहले भी गैगस्टर के
विरुद्ध कर्य्वाह्गी करते हुए इसकी करोडो की संपत्ति को सिल किया गया है

Rs.40 lakhs approximately annually as BSNL

Chandigarh, Sanjay Pahwa(Bureau Chief): 
Existing EPABX system of Chandigarh Police was introduced in the year of 1992.  On which they were paying huge amount of Rs.40 lakhs approximately annually as BSNL was charging the normal rates for each and every out going direct telephone calls, annual rent against each outer line (150 number approximately) with various Units/officers & their residences, charges for new demanded line according to their distance (Rs.20/25 thousand approximately) in addition to maintenance charges, instruments were provided at our own level. Beside this, 40 internal lines were working in PHQ Sec-9 from existing EPABX and 30 lines from EPABX of Police Lines Sec-26 to cover Police Lines area, POI, GO Mess, RTC, Police Hospital as well as residential area. To update this old manual system there was extra involvement of expenditure.
                        Accordingly, the matter was shared with the BSNL authorities and come to the conclusion that Centrex System is the better & cheaper alternative way to replace our existing system.
                        Now the existing EPABX system of Chandigarh Police is becoming Hi-Tech  by upgrading with new Centrex system.  The Centrex system is digital version of EPABX having direct dialing facility & caller ID with it’s each user including CUG free. BSNL had offered to replace our existing EPABX with the new Centrex without incurring any initial extra expenditure. We will use the approximate 250 outer lines @ monthly rent Rs.180/- and 80 internal lines @ monthly Rs.75/-.  Hence we will able to save the 35% expenditure involved annually on our existing system. Moreover this system will be easily/directly approachable for general public to contact with police officers/units and in case we will demand new extra line, there will not any new expenditures as compare to old system.

The Adviser to the Administrator UT.......

By Sanjay Pahwa
The Adviser to the Administrator UT, Chandigarh Mr. K.K. Sharma inaugurating the 23rd Road Safety Week-2012 at Chandigarh Traffic Park, Sector-23, Chandigarh . IGP,Chd Sh.Pradeep Srivastava along with DIG,Traffic & Security Sh.Alok Kumar, DSP Traffic Vijay Kumar were also present on the occasion.


New Delhi: PremBabu Sharma,
CASIO India Company Private Limited, a 100% subsidiary of the JPY 341.7 Billion consumer electronics giant Casio Computer Co. Ltd., Japan, today launched its much awaited  product Electronic Dictionary.
An Electronic Dictionary is a small handheld device with an integrated reference material in digital form.  These Electronic Dictionaries will provide grade degree of convenience in day to day life with variety of functions like finding word meaning of any English/French word, translation, finding correct spelling, checking plural, noun or past tense of verb. Additionally, it also finds grammatical information about a word. It also helps us in finding synonyms or antonyms of a word, collocations of a word, checking the parts of speech of a word. Inbuilt speaker of the dictionary helps us in pronouncing any desired word correctly.
Mr. Masayuki Uehara, Deputy Senior General Manager, Global Marketing Division-Tokyo, while talking about Casio global operations said,  “Casio Electronic Dictionaries have presence in more than 8 countries and we have got very good response for these Electronic Dictionaries in all overseas markets such as Russia, Germany, China, Korea, France etc. We are presently No. 1 in Japan [Casio as #1 Electronic Dictionary brand in Japan, By GfK Japan (Jan-Dec. 2010)]. Based on our success in other markets, we are expecting to get good response from Indian Market as well.”
Mr. M. Naka, Managing Director, Casio India, said, “India is going to become economic superpower and hence the need of high quality writing and communication skills particularly in English is required at all levels. These products will definitely help Indian students and professionals in their concerned areas.”Speaking about the target audience for these Dictionaries stated Mr. Kulbhushan Seth, Head Sales and Marketing, Casio India Company, “This dictionary is ideally suited for variety of users like Language students, middle & high-class students, Students preparing for professional English language exams, language training for BPO employees, B.Ed. schools, professional & people travelling to overseas markets. Moreover, it is very useful teaching tool in English classes wherein teachers can give live examples to students by connecting this dictionary with Casio projectors.”
He added, “These dictionaries are highly portable and compact which fits in your pocket and enable quick consultation, even on the move.” 
The EW- B100C, priced at Rs. 7995, has content of eight complete Oxford Dictionaries for English. It has all types of searching features like headword search with example and idiom search. This electronic dictionary provides unique facility of jump search with spelling checker. This single model of dictionary operates the functions of multi dictionary search, which helps to locate the history of the word. The unique feature Wildcard search enables searching the meaning of a particular word by just typing only a part of the spelling of the word.
One of its unique features is the Vocabulary List function, which helps in making individual vocabulary list by saving referred words in any one of the lists available in the dictionary. This helps in developing vocabulary of words and further in revising these saved words from the list. Another important function is Text Marker Function, which helps in marking any word and its meaning in three different colours. These marked words could be saved in the vocabulary list for any future reference.
This dictionary is equipped with three zooming changeable font sizes. The Dictionary has inbuilt Calculator function for doing normal calculation. The display of the screen is colourful and easily readable for the eyes. The display for lines and characters is 15 * 64 @12 font size.The dictionary has total weight of mere 175g including the battery. It has got long battery life ( up to 100 hours) and runs on both alkaline and rechargeable batteries.
Another high end model, EW- B2000C has twelve contents which include 11 complete Oxford Dictionaries of English & French and 1 Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. Priced at Rs. 14,995, the EW B2000C along with above features also has useful features like speaking function that comes with USB cable and earphones. With this speaking function, the user can hear the accurate pronunciation of a word. It is also programmed with 100 works of world literature, which includes literary works of renowned author’s like- Charles Dickens, George Elliot, O’ Henry and many more. What’s more, you can read, listen to remarkable speeches and words of famous personalities such as Barack Obama, Abraham Lincoln and William Shakespeare. It is also equipped with a Multilingual Word and Phrasebank, which helps in getting meaning of any key word or phrase in six different languages.
The size of the font is available with three different changeable sizes. The user can view the still images from the memory card and transfer the text file though a memory card or USB Port from a PC. After loading the text in dictionary though the Text Loader Software (installed in PC), can find the meaning of any word from the text.
It has brilliant colour display with high resolution LCD panels. The display for lines and characters is 23*80@12 font size. It also has the ability of changing the layout of the words. This light weight dictionary including the battery weighs only 270g. It has got long battery life (up to 130 hours) and runs on both alkaline and rechargeable batteries.
This model is compatible with the Casio projectors and hence screen of the device can be projected through USB cable which comes along the dictionary. Teachers can easily explain the vocabulary to the students along with demonstrating actual pronunciation of that word.These Electronic Dictionaries are TAFCOT designed (totally advanced force control technology), which withstands impact caused by dropping, high pressure and any kind of vibration for worry free commuting to school or work. High strength side beams and super rigid aluminum alloy panels are built into the body to boost its rigidity and protect the LCD and electronic components from the external pressures caused by bending and crushing.
These products will be available at all leading Casio dealer outlets and Book Stores across India.

आशा भोंसले जज होगी सुर-क्षेत्र की

प्रेमबाबू शर्मा
सहारावन पर शुरू होने जा रहे संगीतमय शो की एक जज आशा भोंसले भी होगी। इसके अलावा अन्य जज आबिदा परवीन तथा रूणा लैला भी होगी। इस शो में टीम इंडिया के संरक्षक हिमेश रेशमिया तथा टीम पाकिस्तान के संरक्षक अतिफ असलम हैं। 
सहारा वन पर इस शो के शुरू होने से पहले ही इसका दायरा काफी व्यापक और बेहतर हो गया है। इस शो की पकिल्पना इस प्रकार की गई है जैसे कि यह भारत और पाकिस्तान के बीच सुरों का संग्राम हो। टीम इंडिया को हिमेश रेशमिया तथा टीम पाकिस्तान को अतिफ असलम का संरक्षण प्राप्त है।  
सूत्रों की माने तो आशा जी ने इस रियल्टी शो के लिए अपनी मंजूरी दे दी है। यह हो सकता है कि इससे पहले वह किसी शो में अतिथि निर्णायक की भूमिका में आईं हों, मगर इस मरतबा पहली बार वह किसी शो में प्रमुख निर्णायक की भूमिका में नजर आयेंगी। 
इन दिनों शो की शूटिंग दुबई में चल रही है।

Thursday 19 January 2012

Tata Motors Group global wholesales at 114,920 vehicles in December 2011

The Tata Motors Group global wholesales, including Jaguar Land Rover, were 114,920 nos., in December 2011, higher by 27% over December 2010. Cumulative sales for the fiscal are 865,400 higher by 12% compared to the corresponding period in 2010-11.
Global sales of all commercial vehicles - Tata, Tata Daewoo and the Tata Hispano Carrocera range -- were 53,854 nos. in December 2011, a growth of 12%. Cumulative sales for the fiscal are 425,264 nos., a growth of 17%.
Global sales of all passenger vehicles were at 61,066 nos. in December 2011, higher by 45%. Cumulative sales for the fiscal are 440,136 nos., higher by 8%.
Global sales of Tata passenger vehicles and the distribution offtake in India of Fiat cars were at 30,085 nos., for the month, higher by 45% over December 2010. Cumulative sales for the fiscal are at 223,724 nos., lower by 3%.
Global sales of Jaguar Land Rover in December 2011 were at 30,981 vehicles, higher by 45% over December 2010. Jaguar sales for the month were 4,726 nos., higher by 9%, while Land Rover sales were 26,255 nos., higher by 54%. Cumulative sales of Jaguar Land Rover for the fiscal are 216,412 nos., higher by 22%. Cumulative sales of Jaguar are 39,921 nos., lower by 7%, while cumulative sales of Land Rover are 176,491 nos., higher by 31%.
About Tata Motors
Tata Motors is India's largest automobile company, with consolidated revenues of Rs. 1,23,133 crores ($ 27 billion) in 2010-11. Through subsidiaries and associate companies, Tata Motors has operations in the UK, South Korea, Thailand, Spain and South Africa. Among them is Jaguar Land Rover, the business comprising the two iconic British brands. It also distributes Fiat cars in India, and has an industrial joint venture with Fiat in India. With over 6.5 million Tata vehicles plying in India, Tata Motors is the country's market leader in commercial vehicles and among the top three in passenger vehicles. It is also the world's fourth largest truck manufacturer and the third largest bus manufacturer. Tata cars, buses and trucks are being marketed in several countries in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, South East Asia and South America. (

Keyaa Hua Tera Vaada

Soni Tv New show
Keyaa Hua Tera Vaada

Prembabu Sharma
The cast of Kya Hua Tera Vaada- Pawan Shankar,Mona Singh with the kids-Nandan,Khushi and Mahek
After the stupendous success of Bade Acche Laggte Hain, Sony Entertainment Television and Balaji Telefilms join forces once again to present another block buster show Keyaa Hua Tera Vaada that will certainly set the country buzzing.  The show starsMona Singh and Pawan Shankar who come together for the first time as a married couple trying to re-discover marital love.
Ekta Kapoor – the czarina of Indian television is all set to redefine the splendor and rule the prime time slot once again with the launch of the much awaited and talked about show - Kyaa Hua Tera Vaadaashow poised to break all records on Indian television!
The cast of Kya Hua Tera Vaada with Ekta Kapoor and SET officials Mr. N.P. Singh, Ms. Sneha Rajani and Virendra Shahaney
Guaranteed to showcase Ekta’s new creative streak and sensitive story-telling, Kyaa Hua Tera Vaada will mesmerize the audience. A story of a married couple with three growing children, Kyaa Hua Tera Vaada showcases the celebration of marriage. The show traces the rise and fall of love and togetherness in a typical Indian married couple, whose time and attention for each other survives the vagaries and demands of life’s problems. Mona Singh who catapulted to fame as Jassi from the popular TV serial Jassi Jaisi Koi Nahi is set to shine yet again after almost 7 years in a fiction show as Mona SinghShe is paired with actor Pawan Shankar, who is playing the character of Pradeep Singh, Mona’s husband.Mona is a beautiful woman who loves her family but her primary priority is her three kids. Her life revolves around her children and her husband Pradeep, who knows that Mona’s love for him will never fade away. Both have reached a comfortable zone and the nature of their love is an all-encompassing, understanding and a forgiving one, where the need to rekindle fiery romance is not as important as PTA meetings and the next family holiday. After the successful run of unique love stories like 'Kuch to Log Kahenge' and 'Bade Acche Lagte Hain,' Sony Entertainment Television’s ‘Kyaa Hua Tera Vaada’ will hit screens on January 30, 2012. The show will take the audience to an untouched journey of family priorities and love!! Commenting on the launch, Mr N.P Singh, COO, Multi Screen Media, said “2011 has been a fantastic year for us.  Sony Entertainment Television is on an upward curve. The channel stands firm at the No 2 position. With the incredible performance of all our fiction shows we are ready for the next level of growth with a fresh line up of interesting shows. Kyaa Hua Tera Vaada will simply add to the great performance of the channel.”

Adds Ms Sneha Rajani, Senior EVP and Business Head, Sony Entertainment Television,‘Kyaa Hua Tera Vaada marks another milestone in our relationship with Balaji. At SET, our endeavor is to pick up shows that are engaging with the characters, language and the environment to which today’s Indian families can relate. We strongly believe in connecting with our audience at an emotional level. We are confident that Kyaa Hua Tera Vaada at 10 pm with a relatable and endearing concept will connect with the viewers and will further strengthen our hold on the prime time slot and also consolidate our position as the second most popular General Entertainment Channel in India.”
Further commenting on the launch Ms Ekta Kapoor,Joint Managing Director, Balaji Telefilms Ltd said,“After Bade Acche Laggte Hai ruling the charts, we at Balaji are all geared up for yet another interesting show – Kyaa Hua Tera Vaada which celebrates marriage after 10 years. Through this show we want to show our viewers how the relationship between a husband and wife changes through time but love remains constant. I am extremely delighted to take the relationship with Sony Entertainment Television to another level with the launch of Kyaa Hua Tera Vaada and hope that we are able to create magic together once again”

Bring in the winter chill with Almonds!

New Delhi: prembabu Sharma
Almonds are here to stay this winter season.  These gorgeous golden nuts complete winters with a touch of their distinctive taste and flavor. Almonds contain maximum nutrients in comparison to all other nuts.  In winters, when you need to take care of your skin and overall health, a handful of almonds in morning are the absolute answer! They can also be used as appetizing snacks before the grand meal or a lip smacking desserts afterwards. Almonds are increasingly becoming the most preferred gifts as they are a symbol of good luck, good health and good fortune.
Bollywood actress, Karisma Kapoor says,“During winters, I always reach out for almonds as they are delicious and completely guilt free at the same time. I love gifting my family and friends almonds as I want to share the goodness of almonds with them. Eating a handful of almonds is my healthy & natural way to keep balance in my life.”
And just not winters, almonds are ideal for every season.  It is a known fact that a handful of pealed almonds are the perfect supplement to your breakfast. California almonds are cholesterol-free and low in saturated fat, making them a deliciously tempting option for smarter meals and snacks and help maintain a healthy heart. Studies conducted around the world have shown that consuming almonds everyday can contribute to lowering LDL or “bad” cholesterol and help increase the HDL “good” cholesterol. Maintaining a healthy balance of cholesterol is an important factor in minimizing the risk of heart disease.
In addition to being a smart choice for maintaining a healthy heart, almonds can help maintain healthy levels of insulin, which can encourage healthy blood glucose balance and levels of satiety. Also when included in a breakfast meal, almonds encourage day-long insulin sensitivity in people with diabetes and keep them active and energized. They are a great snack for people with diabetes since they have a small impact on blood glucose levels and don’t stimulate insulin release in the body, which can lead to increased hunger.
Moreover, almonds are a great source of Vitamin ‘E’ and protein. Amongst dry fruits, almonds are the highest on calcium which make them an excellent supplement for vegetarians.

Unique Social Charity Initiative Allows Karma Kingdom Players to Donate Through Facebook Social Game Play

New Delhi 2012: 
The Sankara Eye Foundation and Asvathaa Pte. Ltd announced a unique initiative today for charitable giving through Social Gaming. Players of “Karma Kingdom”, Asvathaa’s Facebook game, will be able to purchase uniquely branded game element with half of the proceeds going to restore vision to the poor and the socially disadvantaged in India through Sankara Eye Foundation – USA, a first for a charitable organization.
The Facebook game is based on Indian mythologies and guides players through positive contemporary lessons. Sankara’s mission is to realize the goal of 20/20 vision for the people of India by the year 2020.
Sankara Eye Foundation (SEF) initiates and drives community eye care activities in India by working with Sankara Eye Care Institutions, which run the Sankara Eye Hospital in Coimbatore and 7 other locations in India. The Sankara Eye Foundation, USA is a 501 (c) (3) registered non-profit organization, with offices in Milpitas, CA.
The majority of fundraising is achieved through fundraising events, booths in major events, advertising and working with major donors. One of SEF’s unique initiatives is enabling a vision restoration cataract surgery for $30. Through these efforts, SEF, USA has played a significant role in increasing the number of free surgeries in India thirteen fold to over 120,000 in 2010-11 and increasing the number of Indian hospitals from 1 to 8. SEF USA raises funds for constructing the hospitals with its unique “founding donor” program, through which a donor gets his loved ones names on the hospital wall of founders for a $1000 donation.
Sankara Eye Foundation’s Executive Chairman, Mr. Murali Krishnamurthy stated, “We are pleased to work with Asvathaa to bring our fundraising efforts to the new and emerging social platforms such as Facebook. We know that this initiative will help us raise awareness and funds for SECI - India in a new demographic within this space.”
Elaborating on this initiative, Asvathaa’s CEO Mr. Ashok Desai stated, “Karma Kingdom was designed from the outset to include these types of charitable elements and we want this to be the next step for players to fulfilling the goal of ‘Creating a Better World’ within the game. We were highly impressed with the great work done by Sankara Eye Foundation over the past 13 years and hence unanimously decided to partner with them.” Added Mr. Desai, “A single Karma Kingdom player can make a significant contribution towards a surgery, given the price break that SEF has achieved in Cataract Surgery”.
Mr. Desai added, “This is a great step forward, and we hope the first of many partnerships with charitable organizations. We are uniquely positioned to help them leverage the power and reach of social gaming for the greater social good”.
Karma Kingdom was released recently for Facebook users globally and is currently being played by users in more than a dozen countries around the world. Asvathaa is constantly updating and finding new ways to bring these Indian Mythologies and their positive lessons to life.

About Asvathaa ,,,,
Asvathaa is an international independent entertainment and media company specializing in development, design and production of games and animated entertainment. The company has chosen a multi-shore approach to developing the games and has offices in USA, Singapore and India.
Asvathaa is founded by Mr. Ashok Desai, who brings over 20years with International Sales, Marketing, and Executive Management experience managing high-tech business with expertise across scientific, engineering, enterprise and media industries.
As Managing Director, Ashok spent several years with Silicon Graphics (SGI) in Asia during which time he started and managed the SGI operations in Singapore/ASEAN as well as India and ran the High End Systems Division for Asia Pacific.
He relocated to the US to build a start-up organization converging services, products, infrastructure & strategic alliances for high-end graphics, animation and special effects for Entertainment and Interactive Gaming. While at Sasken Communications and Symphony Services, he managed Global Sales, Support and Multi-Site Development Strategy for Tier I North American Companies and executed a multi-location and offshore development strategy across centers in US, Europe, Japan, China, Mexico and India.

About Karma Kingdom on Facebook:
Karma Kingdom is a journey, through virtual space, social space and spiritual space. On each step of the journey is a lesson learned, a good deed done, a quest fulfilled, a friend made; your world made better.
The theme of the game is that chaos and strife have beset the known world. Whole countries have been decimated by violence and war, poverty and disease are on the rise, and greed seems to be the only currency that has any meaning. You and a small group of leaders from other districts, provinces and states have decided that a new way of life must be found if humanity is to be saved.
As you return from your summit, however, a terrible storm strikes your homeland. You and some of your fellow citizens make it to a boat and you set out to sea where the weather seems calmer. As if guided by some force, you head further and further from main land. The journey is difficult and your rations are few. After weeks of hard travel, you arrive at an island.
You are greeted by the god, Ganesha, who reveals your destiny, greets you; to lead your people to build a peaceful and progressive community based on safety, health and education. Ganesha informs you that the lessons learnt here in this new virtual island should be shared to the wider known real world. He challenges you to a set of tasks that you must accomplish and informs that there are other gods and other tasks beyond his.
You have to attempt to complete the tasks of the gods you encounter along the way and your world will grow and thrive. While enjoying the game, you will be able to also directly contribute towards making the real world a better place by helping charities in the real world. The proceeds from your personal gaming will go to charities around the world, helping people and changing your own personal karmic destiny!